Chairman’s Statement
Recent studies via a number of global agencies such as the UN estimate that the Continent of Africa has a demand for at least 1 billion affordable homes immediately just to cope with the current chronic shortage of decent housing. Additionally, the explosion of growth amongst the young and aspiring populations of not just Africa but India and other emerging economies around the world has put extreme pressure on all Governments in the developing world to find a suitable solution.
Affordable Building Concepts Ltd is a new subsidiary company of mine set up to tackle the enormous problem of how to construct decent highly quality housing with suitable toilets, bathrooms and kitchens at a cost that is affordable to even those on very low income.
It has been a huge task but we have done it. I am proud to say that we have already built a number of affordable houses and built a demonstration site in Ireland to prove the quality of our building techniques. It has been a huge success to date and has attracted enormous interest.
My vision now is to bring affordable housing to all corners of the developing world supported by an excellent team of professionals who are all dedicated to the task in hand.
I look forward very much to introducing you to my team and our truly revolutionary building technology whereby even a simple 3 bedroom house can built within just 3 days. It completely sets us apart from our competitors and we are now ready to significantly expand our operations across the globe.
Welcome to real 21st Century housing — affordable to all.
Desmond Cullinane
Affordable Building Concepts.